ER7004 Mega Teaching Kit


ER7004 Mega Teaching Kit
- Includes all the hardware, software, electrodes
and transducers required to quickly develop a
wide range of exciting experiments for chemistry
and biochemistry laboratory courses.

Kit components:
- ER466 Potentiostat 466 (including Chart and
Scope software)
- EP354 dO2 isoPod
- EP353 pH & ISE isoPod
- EP357 Conductivity isoPod
- EP356 Thermocouple isoPod
- ES260 EChem Software
- ES280 PowerChrom Software
- ET014 EChem Electrode Kit
- ET079-1 Copper voltammetric disk electrode
- ET325 Thin Film Solar Cell
- ET060 Redox Electrode
- ET226 Drop Counter
- ET1010 Pulse Transducer
- ET1117 Polarographic Oxygen Electrode
- ET5733 pH Electrode
- ET902 Conductivity Probe
- ET1400 T-type Thermocouple Probe